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30 minutes
Concept, Direction and Choreography
Wayne McGregor
Alva Noto
Set and Costume Design
Wayne McGregor and Lucy Carter
Lighting Design
Lucy Carter
Video Design
Pipo Tafel
Premiere date and venue
30 March 2007, Festspeilhaus Hellerau, Dresden, Germany
D.A.N.C.E. was a collaboration between Frederic Flamand, William Forsythe, Wayne McGregor and Angelin Preljocaj to create a new elite group of Europe's finest young dancers. At the culmination of the two-year training cycle, the 22 apprentices presented an evening of work representing the full scope of the programme that included [memeri].
The aim for [memeri] was to create a “living archive”. It’s an extension of McGregor’s work as a research fellow at Cambridge University and as Innovator in Residence at the University of California where his underlying investigation is to look at the intelligences at play when we create choreography.
Co-commissioned by Company Wayne McGregor, D.A.N.C.E. and Tanzplan Dresden.
Images: Costin Radu.