Herrera Codes

Herrera Codes

The Royal Ballet

4 minutes

Wayne McGregor

Visual Artist
Ben Cullen Williams

Costume Design
Daniel Lee, Burberry

Music Director
Benji B

Lauren Duffus

Lighting Design
Nick Renegade

CGI training data set
Hugo Wu

Originally danced by
William Bracewell and Fumi Kaneko

Premiere date and venue
14 September 2023, Theatre Royal Drury Lane, London, UK

A shapeshifting work powered by artificial intelligence, Herrera Codes is an iteration of  Untitled, 2023.

Created especially for the Vogue World: London gala in September 2023, Herrera Codes features an AI generated video work by artist Ben Cullen Williams created using CGI textures and machine learning which you view above.

The work also features costume designs by Chief Creative Officer of Burberry Daniel Lee, music by Benji B and Lauren Duffus and lighting designs by Nick Renegade.

Thumbnail image and video: Ben Cullen Williams.
Carousel images: Marc Brenner.

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