
Random International

Interactive Designers

Best known for their large-scale public installations combining technology, media and art, Random International are a collaborative studio and art collective for experimental practice within contemporary art, founded by Hannes Koch and Florian Ortkrass. Since designing the jaw-dropping scenography for Wayne McGregor's FAR in 2010, Random International have collaborated with McGregor on a number of installation-based dance performances, including Future Self, Rain RoomSelf and Other and +/- Human.

Nick Rothwell

Digital Artist

Software architect, programmer and sound artist Nick Rothwell, also known as CASSIEL, first collaborated with Wayne McGregor on the Choreographic Language Agent research project in 2013, contributing to the design and programming of 'Becoming', the interactive digital object ('11th dancer') used in the creation process for McGregor's Atomos. In 2017, Rothwell developed the choreographic tool used for Autobiography, an algorithm that determines the order in which sequences of the work are performed, based on McGregor's genetic code. 

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